Vitality Massage

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Massage SDT 75 mins : 60mins Deep Tissue massage with 15 mins acupressure


Acupressure is a therapy similar to acupuncture, and involves the application of pressure to the same points on the body as acupuncture. The main difference between acupressure and acupuncture is that acupuncture uses thin needles while acupressure uses firm pressure.

This therapy is based on the vital energy theory known as ‘Qi’ or life force. When the body’s life-force energy becomes blocked, various emotional imbalances and physical symptoms also result. These energy blockages occur at the acupressure points. Through a variety of acupressure methods, ranging from light touch or tapping to steadily holding the points, the body’s life energy is able to flow and rebalance.

Please note that you should wait at least an hour after eating a light meal and even longer after eating a heavy meal before having acupressure. Having acupressure when your stomach is full can inhibit the flow of blood and could possibly cause nausea.
Massage SDT 75 mins : 60mins Deep Tissue massage with 15 mins acupressure