Your voucher code will be texted to you within 24 hours of purchase. Your voucher is valid for 3 months from the date of purchase.
Cancellation Policy
If you need to reschedule or cancel an appointment, we require a minimum of 24-hours notice. Please call us on (04) 478-8188 to re-schedule. If we don't answer, please leave your request on our voice mail. If less than 24-hours notice is given or failure to show up for your appointment, your voucher will be considered redeemed.
Our services
All therapies provided by Vitality Massage are professional, therapeutic massages. There will be no sexual contact or conduct at any time between any client and a therapist. Should a client behave in a manner that violates this professional boundary, the session will be ended and the client will still be required to pay for the session in full; but will be asked to not come back.